An elderly widower, a Mr. Miller from London comes and stays in the village and stays in a boarding house opposite the police house run by Mrs. ?. Milner however is not a well man and has to visit Kate at the surgery. Meanwhile Claude has been asked to do a barn clearance, and Nick buys the remains of an old MG off him for only £25. Claude dramatically underestimates its real value and is later annoyed by this, and complains to Blaketon. Milner it seems has an old grudge against Nick and he wants his revenge. It turns out that when Nick was down in the Met he arrested Milner's granddaughter after she stabbed her husband in self defence. Milner now wants to hurt Nick, the way Nick hurt him. He takes Kate as a hostage and is armed with a pistol. Kate manages to talk Milner round because she has to rush off to give a young girl a vital injection. 2025