The episode opens with Starscream, Demolisher, and Cyclonus fighting the Autobots. Starscream tries to pull off a daring maneuver but ends up endangering all the Decepticons. The Autobots disappear, showing us that it was all a training simulation. Megatron isn't pleased, and the belittling of Starscream, the only Decepticon without a Mini-Con, begins. Megatron also refers to Starscream as the second-in-command for the first time in the series. A signal is heard and the Decepticons race to Earth - a new Mini-Con has been detected! On Earth, the Autobots are being their usual selves when Rad, Carlos, and Alexis walk in ready for their 'camping trip' with the Autobots - pretty much whatever adventure they go on next! The Mini-Con alert activates, revealing the position of a new Mini-Con is in a jungle/forest type of landscape. The Autobots, with their human friends, head out! 2024